Richard Kahlenberg and Halley Potter have an op-ed on diverse charter schools in today’s New York Times.
I enjoy Richard and Halley’s work and am aligned with their goal of achieving more socioeconomic diversity in our public schools.
In their new book, I am quoted on the benefits of diverse charter schools.
That being said, I believe the thesis of their op-ed falls into the trap of many charter school commentators (which I have written on before).
Many commentators praise charter schools that align with their vision of what makes a great school. Many of these same commentators then dismiss charter schools that do not align with their vision.
Not enough commentators give credence to the idea that different families want different things for their children.
While socioeconomic diversity is a noble goal, it may not be the number one priority for all families.
So yes, let’s support socioeconomic diverse charter schools.
But let’s also recognize that these types of schools will hopefully be only one of the thousands of school model innovations we will see when we hand power back to educators and families.
Lastly, perhaps the greatest irony of the piece is that it dismisses the strong evidence of the benefits of charter schools for African-American students while making a case for a specific type of charter school that (as far as I know) is supported by little rigorous research.
The Potential for Diverse Charter Schools
I agree with their take that diverse charter schools hold promise for both increasing student achievement and good citizenship.
When I worked at NSNO, we invested in a diverse start-up charter school, Bricolage Academy, for these very reasons. So far, the school is off to a strong start.
However, while there are high-performing diverse charter schools across the country, I have not seen a rigorous study that systematically studies their effectiveness. And, all told, this is still a young sub-movement within the charter school sector.
So while I’m bullish on the model, I also think the slim evidence base on these charter schools warrants caution.
The Research Base on Diverse Schools
I think Kahlenberg and Potter make significant mistakes in how they communicate and interpret research.
First, they site weak evidence for their argument that diverse schools benefit students.
They note: “Data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress in Mathematics show that low-income fourth graders who attend economically integrated schools are as much as two years ahead of low-income students stuck in high-poverty schools.”
There are major, obvious methodological reasons not to use one-time NAEP scores to support any education intervention.
Kahlenberg and Potter would be wise to trust Matt Dicarlo at the Shanker Institute when he says NAEP scores “can’t be used to draw even moderately strong inferences about what works and what doesn’t.”
The Research Base on Charter Schools
Kahlenberg and Potter write: “the diminished teacher influence and increased segregation might be tolerable if charter schools regularly outperformed traditional public schools, but in reality, although much media attention is showered on high-flying charter chains like KIPP and Success Academy, on the whole charters do about the same.”
This is a dangerous half-truth that is often repeated.
Yes, charter schools, on average, perform about the same as traditional schools.
But, as I’ve written numerous times, CREDO’s 27 state study on charter schools found that African-American students in poverty who attended charter schools achieved nearly two months of extra learning per year.
Kahlenberg and Potter clearly care about the fact that African-American students continue to suffer from poor educational opportunities.
As such, I am unsure why they ignore this evidence, especially when the data comes from the very study they are referencing.
And, perhaps most surprisingly, they site no rigorous evidence for the actual charter model for which they are advocating.
The Purpose of Charter Schools
Kahlenberg and Potter open their article discussing Albert Shanker’s original vision for charter schools. Shanker’s envisioned that charter schools would be a place for empowered teachers to develop innovations that the traditional public could then adopt.
I have two thoughts on this.
First, I find Shanker’s vision to be an odd one. If Shanker thought that empowered educators would innovate more frequently, then why only grant this power to a few select schools, and why keep in place the existing structures that are hampering innovation?
Second, while I think it is important to understand the original vision for charter schools, it is an unclear to me that we should give this vision much weight. Just because something is created for one reason does not mean we should be beholden to this rationale.
In Closing
I think it bears repeating:
Yes, let’s support socioeconomic diverse charter schools.
But let’s also recognize that these types of schools will hopefully be only one of the thousands of school model innovations we will see when we hand power back to educators and families.