We’re still currently looking for a new senior person to join our educational team at LJAF. Shoot me an email if you’re interested.
If that’s not for you, and you want to do amazing work, it’s worth exploring international educational opportunities.
As Garret Jones argues in Hive Mind, increasing the IQs of economically developing nations can have a tremendously positive impact on well-being.
It’s vitally important work.
So why not become CEO of Spire?
They run efforts in Africa like The Career Accelerator, which provides young professionals with the critical mix of technical and soft skills, career planning, and work-based learning that will help them be successful from day one on the job.
You can apply here.
Or work at Kepler (high education for all). Or Nova Pioneers (schools preparing African youth for great careers).
The principles of Relinquishment are perhaps easier to scale, and more impactful, in economically developing nations.
If you don’t want to join us at LJAF, maybe consider this amazing work.
I am interested in the LJAF and live in the Houston area. How do I reach you?
neeravkingsland at gmail