Looking for a Great Teammate to Join the LJAF Education Team


We’re considering adding a senior level teammate to our education team at the Laura and John Arnold Foundation.

We’d love to work with someone who embodies these 5 characteristics: 

  • is deeply passionate about empowering educators and families;
  • is obsessive about learning and getting better;
  • can thrive in a decentralized organization with a small and geographically dispersed education team;
  • diversifies the way our team approaches and solves problems; and
  • has content expertise in city-based, system-level education reform, with the potential to be one of the top experts in the nation.

If we find an exceptional teammate, we will be 100% committed to mentoring and preparing this teammate to be a highly effective CEO or management team member of a high-performing organization, whether that’s at LJAF or at another organization.

We will also be 100% committed to learning from whomever joins our team, so that we can improve.

If you knock it out of the park with us, you will have a diverse set of influential champions who will support you in your next steps, whatever those next steps might be.

If you’re interested in this being the next step in your journey, or you know someone who might be a great fit, drop me a quick note at 

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