Today, Reed Hastings is launching a $100m educational fund, which I will manage.
The website for the fund is here.
The first two gifts are to United Negro College Fund and to Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley to support college education of Black and Latino youth, totalling $1.5m. The goal of these investments is to provide students of color with exceptional post-secondary educational experiences.
I will continue to work with the Laura and John Arnold Foundation as well.
I feel very grateful to be working with such extremely thoughtful philanthropists.
There are a lot students in this country who don’t have access to amazing schools.
Hopefully, this can change.
phd project
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Pingback: Netflix CEO Reed Hastings Announces $100M Philanthropic Education Fund | Wisdom Parliament
Very cool. I think there will be an opportunity for Foundations to invest in the Recovery High Schools movement in the near future given traction in DC. Would love to chat about it with you in the coming months.
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Pingback: Netflix CEO sets up $100 million fund for education | TimeOutPk
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Pingback: Netflix CEO Reed Hastings Announces $100M Philanthropic Education Fund - Press TV News
Pingback: NetflixのCEO、Reed Hastingsが1億ドルで教育のための慈善活動ファンドを設立 | TechCrunch Japan
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Pingback: Netflix CEO Reed Hastings Announces $100M Philanthropic Education Fund – Nigerian Herald
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Congratulations, and thank you for all the good you do. May I impose? Future CEOs ( is a young non-profit with a BIG vision and in need of support as they, in turn, look to support those young, but still ambitious, people who don’t make it all the way through school. I do some volunteer work for them and am convinced they can make an immediate and worthwhile impact if they are able to increase their capacity. Please would you consider supporting them? Thank you for your time. Marcelle
Pingback: Netflix's Reed Hastings joins Silicon Valley's growing list of major givers - CNET - The Deadline
Dear Neerav, My name is Gareth Armstrong and I am the founder of Future CEOs. Marcelle was very kind to make the effort to comment here, and her summary of what we do is accurate – we are a young organisation that is taking on a massive problem. Also accurate is that we’re poised to make a solid dent in it, but limited resources and capacity are holding us back (but not stopping us) from moving on our #ImpactGoal2016 of reaching 100,000 ambitious but struggling youngsters. It would be a great blessing if we were able to engage and discuss how your new fund might be able to, in whatever small way, boost our efforts – please can we? Thank you for taking the time to look over this – Sincerely, Gareth
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Pingback: Netflix's Reed Hastings joins Silicon Valley's growing list of major givers - CNET | mango outlet
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Pingback: Netflix boss queues up $100M to get your kids better educated – CNET – istrategist
Hi Neerav – Congratulations on this important initiative that will help provide college access to students who desperately need it! I am with The PhD Project ( and we are creating minority business faculty to ensure these students will succeed once they enter college. The PhD Project encourages underrepresented minorities to pursue business Ph.D.’s and become business school professors, creating role models and mentors for minority students. Since our inception in 1994, we have more than quadrupled the number of minority business faculty in the U.S. from just 294 to over 1,300 today. With the national spotlight on the lack of faculty diversity on campuses across the U.S, now more than ever our mission and model is critical. Please contact me so we can discuss how our network can help in your efforts.
Thank you, and best of luck in all you are doing.
Pingback: Reed Hastings lanza fondo millonario para ayudar a 'minorías' en EE.UU. - ZaetaMobil
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Neerav, skilled trades continue to be the most difficult positions to fill in our country. The construction industry alone has lost 1,500,000 workers since 2007. Will the Hastings Fund and the Laura and John Arnold Foundation also work with us and the remodeling and construction industry to find and create skilled workers?