“No major constitutional overhaul of governance has been accomplished since the early 20th century, so the ideas in this book deserve serious consideration.”
Note: I sometime wonder how much of chartering is about entrepreneurship and how much is about governance – which begs the question, what gains would you get from what, at the outset, is really a governance strategy?
2. Do intelligent people worry more?
“This interpretation of anxiety, though, contradicts other studies showing a negative link between intelligence and anxiety.”
3. Can you scale mindset interventions?
“Among students at risk of dropping out of high school (one third of the sample), each intervention raised students’ semester grade point averages in core academic courses and increased the rate at which students performed satisfactorily in core courses by 6.4 percentage points.”
4. Prof, no one is reading you
“We estimate that an average paper in a peer-reviewed journal is read completely by no more than 10 people.”
5. Is neighborhood based education liberal?
6. Why is there an inverse relationship between inequality rates and desire for transfers?
“Hence, emphasizing the severity of a social or economic problem appears to undercut respondents’ willingness to trust the government to fix it — the existence of the problem could act as evidence of the government’s limited capacity to improve outcomes.”
I always knew this: intelligent people fret more because they can see ahead and see things from a variety of perspectives. Nice to know I could be a sentinel.