Me on Politico Pro

Stephanie Simon interviewed me for a series they are doing: Reflections on Reform.

I don’t have a link, but excerpt below. If your googling skills are better than mine, you might be able to find the whole piece.


It’s time, he says, for reformers to give up on the ideal that has motivated them for two decades — the bedrock belief that traditional urban school districts can improve… “The idea that reform has to go through the school district is really being questioned,” he says. Instead, Kingsland would like to see more cities move toward all-charter systems like those in New Orleans. He acknowledges there’s no proof such systems can rise to excellence, either; NOLA certainly hasn’t gotten there yet. But Kingsland insists it’s an experiment worth undertaking … he acknowledges that abandoning the traditional district won’t be easy. “In any power transfer, there will be complications and fights and political battles,” he says, “and we’ll see more of that as this transformation happens.”

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