But here’s the puzzle: given the improvements in behaviour; the reduction in criminality; the falls in truancy; the increase in aspiration; the improvements in home lives – all of which are known to link to academic attainment – why haven’t we seen a commensurate, observable, rise in academic standards?
Note: this is post from England – “standards” has different meaning.
“Ideological diversity has a more scientific benefits than mere demographic diversity.”
“And Facebook’s core business of selling ads into the News Feed is the same combination of incredibly vulnerable and apocalypse-proof as AOL’s dial-up business: it will continue minting money for as long as the parents and grandparents of the world start their day with Facebook, and it will stop growing the second all of their kids move on to something better.”
4. Gladwell, Brill, healthcare
“It’s a battle over whether health care deserves its privileged status within American economic life.”
5. Statistics teacher don’t practice what they preach
“We assign grades based on exams that would almost surely be revealed to be low in both reliability and validity if we were to ever actually examine their psychometric properties. Despite teaching the same courses year after year, we rarely use standardized tests.”