1. 5 case studies on polarization
“If I were in charge of convincing the Red Tribe to line up behind fighting global warming, here’s what I’d say: In the 1950s, brave American scientists shunned by the climate establishment of the day discovered that the Earth was warming as a result of greenhouse gas emissions, leading to potentially devastating natural disasters that could destroy American agriculture and flood American cities. As a result, the country mobilized against the threat. Strong government action by the Bush administration outlawed the worst of these gases, and brilliant entrepreneurs were able to discover and manufacture new cleaner energy sources. As a result of these brave decisions, our emissions stabilized and are currently declining.”
Note: consider this an extended meditation on Haidt’s moral righteousness model, Kling’s axis model, and Willingham’s romance vs. enlightenment.
2. Does subsidizing higher education increase or decrease signaling costs?
“Can it be the case that a government subsidy, by limiting privately-perceived quality and returns, can lower private signaling costs? Should advocates of the signaling model therefore be more favorably inclined toward subsidies?”
Note: For those familiar with the phrase, “It’s turtles all the way down!” Here’s a corollary: “It’s signaling all the way up!” Subsidizing college, right now, will just lead to more graduate degrees.
3. Why privileged non-profits?
“Too many Americans have a romantic view of nonprofits. People on the right view nonprofits as a civil-society bulwark against big government. People on the left think that profit is inherently bad, and therefore they view nonprofits as inherently good. Both views can be questioned.”
Irony alert: At the end of the article, the “further reading” links to another Kling piece titled “Congress Should Support Charter Schools,” which are of course state funded non-profits!
“Culturally enriching field trips have significant educational benefits for students whether they are to see an art museum or live theater. Among students assigned by lottery to see live theater, we find enhanced knowledge of the plot and vocabulary in those plays, greater tolerance, and improved ability to read the emotions of others.”
Note: just another example of corporate reform ruining public education!